Friday 3 August 2012

where leadership starts...

It's the weekend. It was may rest day and so I see to it that I will find time to spend with my son. At the very moment, my thoughts have been wanting to write something about Leadership; to have it submitted to HR for the SM News Bulletin. This is my first-time.

My Son, who is turning 3 in November, was asking me to build a house with his Lego blocks. I told him that I shouldn't be the only one to do it, we should both enjoy it instead. I told him that I will be there as his guide, but he should be the one to conceptualize how our Lego House would look like; he will tell me where he wants the doors and windows to be placed; he will also choose the colors of the blocks, decide on the house's size and if the house will have a garage. I then, will inform him of how I view the choices he made for our project. Because he is still young, I will thoroughly explain and model the way on how these building blocks work. I would make him want to aspire for us to come-up with the Best Asian Modern Lego House ever built!

The thought of this quote, "Good Leadership Starts at Home" suddenly popped into my mind. I say, "Good Leadership starts at HOME, just like a mother's dedication to his child; a leader is to his team."

A good leader knows how to INFLUENCE others, as I would definitely want to be the most influential person in my son's life. Such influence would aim towards accomplishing an objective or a common goal. On that day however, it is as simple as building the best Lego House.

Leadership, just like motherhood, is a never-ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. It is through this process that we develop someone else' CHARACTER. They say that character defines a person and if we can develop others to be "a Man of Character," someone who looks at failures as a true learning experience, we can already assure them that they will go far in life. Being a leader means wanting to see others reach SUCCESS because you INSPIRED them; you make others yearn to achieve high goals because it's your "followers" who will determine your success as a leader. Leaders have an honest understanding of who they are, what they know and what they can do rather than just bossing around. They ensure that everything is understood, well-supervised and accomplished. They have a high sense of responsibility; makes sound and timely decisions and sets as an example to their followers.

I am a first-time mother. I can say that in three years, I have been making a great sense on being my Son's lead. That weekend made me realize things --- it was more than just playing, building and finishing-up the best Asian-Modern Inspired Lego House with Garage. More than developing the leader in me, I was also encouraging my son's heart and character to be someone someday. As simple as it was, it's an unconcious  start of instilling a strong foundation towards aiming for his success... So that when he is all-grown-up; when he is already accountable to others and to our society --- He will be A LEADER. A GOOD ONE.

Let us exemplify the Leaders within. Home is where one starts from.. 

[ article's Theme was inspired by the creative juices of by Ms.Cory Delos Reyes, SM City Calamba's Resident Engineer ]

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