Friday 27 July 2012

"The Flaws"

I have been craving for these buns for the whole week. So instead of having my usual viand and rice for lunch, I have been pairing a cup of coffee with these "Floss" (Cheese Floss) at BreadTalk. I even browsed Google for it's calorie content, just for me to know of how sinful it is. Haha! Well, it has 336 Calories per bun and good thing that 1 bun is good enough until I start starving for dinner... provided me with a calorie counter and if i will be able to control my diet to a 1,200 calorie/per intake, I would lose 1.4lbs in a day. How I wish that it is that easy...

The Dinner Dilemma 

I am very proud that Marc is a good cook. It is one of his qualities that swept my feet when he was still my boyfriend. He has a strong passion for cooking and I tell you, even though I cook good, he cooks a lot BETTER resulting to my Dinner Dilemma.

To lose weight when you work in an office is such a hard thing! Losing weight has been my problem ever since because of my slow metabolism. I also encountered thyroid problems in 2008, which was Hyperthyroidism and while I was pregnant, the terrible Hypothyroidism Disorder. Now, it feels like it's HYPOthyroidism forever. My weight just kept on increasing and increasing, which resulted to my depression and low self-esteem. I did work my best to maintain my 125-135lbs weight when I was still single. I got my weight back from 190lbs (9th month of pregnancy) to 140lbs. But I still manage to do some exercise then.

It is totally different now. I am seated inside the office to most part of the day. I have a desk job from 9am to 7:30pm. That is 10.5hrs of staying inside a mall. Definitely, I do not produce a single sweat because the temperature here is stabilized at 23C. It's crazy, but I think that it is another reason of my slowing metabolism. Too bad for me. On weekends, since I do not have enough time for my son on weekdays, I usually find myself guilty and too tired if I'll go for a walk. So, I have been planning to cut dinner to lessen my calorie intake --- but then again --- when I reach home, Marc has already prepared a sumptuous dinner! I would definitely feel guilty if I will not eat. How many husbands try to prepare dinner for his wife? JUST A FEW. I am blessed! But I gained a lot of weight since May 18, 2012.

Anyway, I am still crossing my fingers that I will get my old curves back. That I will be able to wear my old clothes and once again look fabulous in pictures.

It is proven true... Losing weight is so hard when you are a mom; it is much harder when you have a desk job; it is worst that you're spending 10.5hrs inside a freezing-cold mall and you've got husband who cooks really well.

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